Show Elements
ID 3
Symbol Ni
Name Nickel
Density (g/cm<sup>3</sup>) 8.91
Atomic Number 28
Molecular Weight 58.6
Melting Point (K) 1726.15
Boiling Point (K) 3186
Specific Heat Capacity (J/kg K) 445
Electro Negativity 1.91
Curie temperature (K) 631
Bohr Magneton (J/T) 0.62
Magnetization Saturation (MA m<sup>-1</sup>) 0.5
Crystal Structure Face-centered cubic (fcc)
Appearance Silvery-white lustrous metal
Element category Transition metal
Magnetic ordering Ferromagnetic
Discovery Axel Fredrik Cronstedt (1751)
General Information Nickel is a naturally-occurring metallic element with a silvery-white, shiny appearance. It is the fifth-most common element on earth and occurs extensively in the earth’s crust and core. Nickel, along with iron, is also a common element in meteorites.
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