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Cosmological magnetic fields

Magnetic fields are observed everywhere in the universe. The magnetic field of the Galaxy was first discovered in 1949 by optical polarization.


Cosmic magnetism

‘Cosmic Magnetism’ refers to the magnetic fields of our universe, which are present in planets, stars, galaxies and the universe at large.


Neutron stars magnetism

The magnetic field strength on the surface of neutron stars ranges from  104 to 1011 tesla. These are orders of magnitude higher than in any other object: For comparison, a continuous 16 T field has been achieved in the laboratory and is sufficient to levitate a living frog due to diamagnetic levitation.


White Dwarfs magnetism

White dwarfs (WD) are formed in catastrophic astrophysical events such as supernova explosions. Observations have shown that the observed surface magnetic fields in white dwarfs can be so strong as 109 G.


Jupiter's Magnetic Field

The first clue to Jupiter's extraordinary magnetic field came with the detection of strong radio frequency emissions from the planet.


Mars' magnetic field

The first orbiter missions to Mars that carried magnetometers did not find conclusive evidence for an internal magnetic field.


Uranus and Neptune's (U/N) magnetic field

Uranus and Neptune (U/N) are expected to contain substantial compositions of H2O, NH3, CH4 etc, which are called “ices”, and thus U/N are called the Ice Giant Planets.


Saturn's magnetic field

The north-south asymmetry of Saturn's internal magnetic field was directly measured with a northward offset of Saturn's magnetic equator by ~ 0.0468 RS (2820.5 km).


Sun's magnetic field

The Sun has a general, weak dipole magnetic field with a north and south magnetic pole of perhaps 0.001 Tesla in strength.


Solar flares

Solar flares result from the abrupt release of free magnetic energy that has previously been stored in the coronal magnetic field by flux emergence and surface motions. Solar flares strongly affect the Sun’s atmosphere as well as the Earth’s environment.



Sunspots are the most prominent magnetic feature on the Solar surface (sometimes they can be seen with the naked eye). The number of sunspots visible on the Solar surface changes fairly regularly in time.


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Solar Wind

Solar Wind are the most prominent magnetic feature on the Solar surface (sometimes they can be seen with the naked eye). The number of Solar Wind visible on the Solar surface changes fairly regularly in time.


Solar Dynamo

The Sun's magnetic field dominates the solar atmosphere. It produces all the observed energetic phenomena, and displays an 11-year activity cycle. Despite notable advances in our knowledge and understanding of solar magnetism using observations from the Ulysses, SOHO, and Hinode missions - and recent theoretical models and numerical simulations – the details of the so-called "solar dynamo" processes that power the Sun's magnetic activity cycle are not yet fully understood.


Geomagnetic storm

Geomagnetic storm, also called magnetic storm or solar storm, disturbance of Earth’s upper atmosphere brought on by coronal mass ejections—i.e., large eruptions from the Sun’s outer atmosphere, or corona.


Moon's magnetic field

The moon keeps the same face turned toward the earth because it is tidally evolved. The quest to understand the phases of the moon, the cycle of lunar and solar eclipses, the ocean tides, and the motion of the moon in the sky served as a basis for early scientific investigation.


Earth's magnetic field

Earth's magnetic field, also known as the geomagnetic field, is the magnetic field that extends from the Earth's interior out into space, where it interacts with the solar wind, a stream of charged particles emanating from the Sun.


Geomagnetic dynamo

Observations of the magnetic field of Earth’s surface indicate that more than 90 percent of this field arises from sources internal to the planet. A variety of mechanisms for generating this field have been proposed, but at present only the geomagnetic dynamo is seriously considered.



The aurora or 'Northern lights' is one of Nature’s greatest spectacles. A display might start as a few upward shafts of light almost imperceptible against a darkening twilight sky.


Earth's Magnetic Field Influence Climate

Much of the observed increase in global surface temperature over the past 150 years occurred prior to the 1940's and after the 1980's. The main agents which are invoked are solar variability, changes in atmospheric greenhouse gas content or sulfur, due to natural or anthropogenic action, or internal variability of the coupled ocean-atmosphere system.


Temperature Affect Magnetism

To understand temperature effects, we need to look at the atomic structure of the elements that make up the magnet. Temperature affects magnetism by either strengthening or weakening a magnet’s attractive force.


Magnetic anomaly

In geophysics, a magnetic anomaly is a local variation in the Earth's magnetic field resulting from variations in the chemistry or magnetism of the rocks. Mapping of variation over an area is valuable in detecting structures obscured by overlying material. The magnetic variation (geomagnetic reversals) in successive bands of ocean floor parallel with mid-ocean ridges was important evidence for seafloor spreading, a concept central to the theory of plate tectonics.


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Rock magnetism

Rock magnetism is the study of rock properties of rocks and its magnetic minerals. A very significant issue in rock magnetic studies relates to the deduction on the magnetic remanence carrier, and how the rocks became magnetized.


Human magnetic sense

Do human beings have a magnetic sense? Biologists know other animals do. They think it helps creatures including bees, turtles and birds navigate through the world.


Magnetic effects on humans

Can small (1 mG) magnetic fields affect humans? No.


Animals sense Earth's magnetic field

The secrets behind magnetoreception—that is, the ability of some animals to sense Earth's magnetic field—are beginning to gradually unravel, thanks in part to a new study that demonstrates magnetic sensitivity in a completely artificial protein, which will help guide further study into what makes this phenomenon possible.


Magnetosensitive animals

Magnetosensitive animals literally have a compass in their bodies. Compasses work because their needles are basically magnets that align with the Earth’s magnetic field. Could animals also have tiny magnets inside their bodies?


Bats Use Magnetite

The role of the earth’s magnetic field for orientation and navigation has been confirmed in several animal taxa, including birds, insects, lobsters, salamanders, turtles, fish and mammals , including–most recently–bats.


The most powerful magnet

At the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, they've just build the most powerful superconducting magnet ever, shattering the world record.


The field of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is used to produce diagnostic, cross-sectional images of the body to aid clinical diagnosis.


Mobiles' magnetic fields

Mobile phones are unlikely to harm human health”, adding to the ongoing, and often conflicting, coverage of the potential health impact of environmental exposure to what some people have called “electromagnetic smog”.


Magnetic refrigeration

Magnetic refrigeration is an evolving cooling technology that has the potential of high energy efficiency using environmentally friendly refrigerants.


Magnetic moment of proton and neutron.

The value of the Magnetic moment of proton and neutron, expressed in nuclear magnetons, has become of special interest because of its importance in present-day methods of evaluating the best values of the fundamental atomic constants.
