Magnetic Conversions
Please select material, magnitude and units.
* Material is only required when density is to be used (i.e. A/m ↔ A.m2/kg, emu/g ↔ emu/cm3)
Hysteresis Loop graph
Please select the units of your choice for the hysteresis loop and then upload a csv file with your data in a 2 columns format. Use the first row as headings with the values: "magnetic_field" and "magnetization"
Download this demo file to see its format, and how you should format your file to upload.
All magnetic materials exhibit additional characteristic features when exposed to an external field:
a, d: saturation points MS, HS, b,e: remanent magnetisation Mr, c, f: coercivity, coercive field Hc, a, d anisotropy field μ0HK=2K/MS
The anisotropy energy density (K) is a net energy per unit volume (J/m3) arising from effects of the crystalline lattice (e.g. structure, shape, volume, defects) and the collective magnetic interactions (e.g. exchange, interparticle, self-field generation).
Anisotropy energy is proportional to the anisotropy field (Hk) or the field required to completely change the magnetisation direction.
Reference Hysteresis Loop graphs
Hysteresis Loops of samples measured by VSM @ Room Temperature