ID 8
Magnetic Term Soft Magnetic Materials
Video Testing Soft Magnets

The soft magnetic materials can be simply magnetised and demagnetised. This is because only small energy is needed for the same. These materials have coercive field very small which is less than 1000A/m. The domain growth of these materials can be easily realised. They are mainly used to increase the flux or/and to make a way for the flux created by the electric current.

The main parameters used to worth or consider the soft magnetic materials are permeability (used to determine how a material reacts to the applied magnetic field), Coercive force (which already discussed), electrical conductivity (the capability of the substance to conduct electric current) and saturation magnetization (utmost quantity of magnetic field that a material can generate).

Properties of Soft Magnetic Materials

Utmost permeability. Slight coercive force. Small hysteresis loss. Small remanent induction. High saturation magnetisation. Some of the significant soft magnetic materials are the following: Pure Iron: Pure iron contain a very minute carbon content (> 0.1%).

This material can be refined to get the utmost permeability and less coercive force with the help of suitable technique to make it a soft magnetic material. But it produces eddy current loss when subjected to very high flux density due to low resistivity. So, it is used in low frequency application such as components for electrical instruments and core in electromagnet. Silicon Iron Alloys This material is most commonly used soft magnetic material. The addition of silicon will make increase in permeability, low eddy current loss due to increase in resistivity, low hysteresis loss. They are used in electrical rotating machine, electromagnet, electrical machine and transformer. Nickel Iron Alloys It is used in communication equipment such as audio transformer, recording heads and magnetic modulators because of high initial permeability in feeble fields. They also possess low hysteresis and eddy current losses. Grain oriented sheet steel: used to make transformer cores. Mu-metal: used in miniature transformers meant for circuit applications. Ceramic magnets: used for making memory devices for microwave devices and computer.

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