ID 3
Magnetic Term Paramagnetism
Video Paramagnetism of Liquid Oxygen

Paramagnetism refers to a property of certain materials that are weakly attracted to magnetic fields. When exposed to an external magnetic field, internal induced magnetic fields form in these materials that are ordered in the same direction as the applied field. Once the applied field is removed, the materials lose their magnetism as thermal motion randomizes the electron spin orientations. Materials that display paramagnetism are called paramagnetic. Some compounds and most chemical elements are paramagnetic under certain circumstances. However, true paramagnets display magnetic susceptibility according to the Curie or Curie-Weiss laws and exhibit paramagnetism over a wide temperature range. Examples of paramagnets include the coordination complex myoglobin, transition metal complexes, iron oxide (FeO), and oxygen (O2). Titanium and aluminum are metallic elements that are paramagnetic. Superparamagnets are materials that show a net paramagnetic response, yet display ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic ordering at the microscopic level. These materials adhere to the Curie law, yet have very large Curie constants. Ferrofluids are an example of superparamagnets. Solid superparamagnets are also known as mictomagnets. The alloy AuFe (gold-iron) is an example of a mictomagnet. The ferromagnetically coupled clusters in the alloy freeze below a certain temperature.

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