ID 16
Magnetic Term Shape anisotropy

The shape anisotropy is a phenomenon associated with the zeroth spatial order of the magnetization field and it has great advantage in aligning the magnetic axis of the particles with respect to the surface during self-assembly into high quality 2D and 3D arrays. In magnetic material, the need for elongated structures (shape anisotropy) is paramount and even small deviations from spherical shapes can significantly alter the coericivity. It is known that not only size but the shape of the metal nanoparticles also influences the energy spectrum, surface charge density, colloidal stability and magnetic properties of the materials. In this paper, we study the effect of shape anisotropy in cobalt nanocubes using static and dynamic magnetic properties at various temperatures. The shape anisotropy was introduced in the form of nanodiscs by using a linear chain amine surfactant in the growth process. The variations in particle size and shape induced predominant changes in the magnetic behaviour of nanocubes. We observed the persistence of ferromagnetism above room temperature. Larger coercive field and RF transverse susceptibility ratio’s were measured and have been correlated with the shape anisotropy present in nanocubes. 

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