Welcome to Magnetism World!
This webpage collects Magnetism and magnetic materials information under three basic pillars: Macro- Micro- and Nano- Scale. For each case Materials, Processes, Applications Properties are presented in an illustrative way.
The history of magnetism from ancient Greeks to 20th century evolutions. Pioneer scientists providing fundamental aspects of magnetism.
image sourceBasic phenomena and physics quantities related to magnetism.Magnetism in the periodic table and magnetic compounds. Typical values of magnetic fields. Magnetic unit conversions.
image sourceMetrology of magnetic quantities. Devices, protocols, issues to consider. Typical processes in macro- micro- and nano- magnetic measuring sequences. Estimation tools for magnetic quantities.
image sourceMagnetic materials and applications surrounding us in everyday applications. Magnetic fields at the macoroscopic scale.
image sourceZooming to microscale, we study materials and devices operating in the microscale such ferrofluids and MRAMs.
image sourceShrinking dimensions of magnetic components down to the nanoscale opens new pathways to modern nanomagnetic multifunctional approaches.
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